First, I have to apologize for not posting very much during the past month. The truth is that I've been depressed and have not been given to writing about the inner experiences that really haven't been happening. In fact, they haven't been happening to such a degree that it's only during the past week that I've realized that I've been depressed - like many men I'm a little slow on the uptake when it comes to inner states.
But I haven't felt badly and I've been able to function. Rather, after the inital rush in June of figuring out what I had to do to combat the cancer and how I was going to do it, the mental aspects of dealing with the disease have taken on the quality of living in the Gray Zone over the past month.
First, it's tough living without a future. At least it is for me since I'm not all that Zen yet no matter how much I try.
I'm a planner by nature (I actually have two university degrees in Planning - Community and Land Use) and it's hard for me not to have an idea of what I should be doing next in terms of the Big Picture even if I constantly make up the Big Picture. But with the coming of the Cancer, life, as I usually know it, stopped and with it a great deal of planning.
Initally, I had to deal with the question "How bad is it?"; then came "What are my options given how bad it is?"; and then "How do I implement the way that I have chosen to go". Having chosen not to go the heroic route for the moment (no surgery, no radiation) and to "watchfully wait" I've had to do just that and it hasn't been easy. Career decisions -- on hold ("Sure, you should hire me. By the way, what sort of major medical plan to you have...?). Social life -- on hold ("Sure you should get involved with me - except possibly for the 60-40 chance that in the near future we'll never be able to make love without pills or other paraphenalia"). Except for the minute particulars of everyday life (which have become legion), most of the things that make me feel like I'm actually living my life and am not just existing are on hold.
Add to this watching my diet (suddenly vegetarian and trying to figure out how to cook like one), watching my alcohol intake (one beer in the past four months), reducing my intake of dairy (still can't shake the need for cheese), watching my consumption of coffee (down to three cups a week), watching my supplements (new info about flaxseed makes my day), making sure that I get enough exercise (not enough cardio yet), getting the usual acupuncture twice a month, trying to keep up with the latest research on my particular LT Disease, advocating for myself within the wonderful American medical machine, ah ..., system, doing my chi kung exercises (about half an hour a day of visualizations and other meditations) and I'm a busy guy long on the specific and short on the general. This is not the way that I usually live my life and not the way that I want to. At the moment, I don't seem to have a choice, however.
All this has made the totality of my life a combination of what's right in front of my face and the next thing to do. At times, life has lost it's three-dimensonality in a way that I haven't seen since I worked in factories growing up where a day was measured by the number of widgets that you could produce over eight hours. Sometimes things have just been getting gray and two-dimensional. Things aren't difficult as much as meaningless at times. Life has been about getting to the next task and waiting to restart my life. I haven't been unhappy - I just haven't been home. Life (such as it is) has been living me and not the other way around.
Of course, now that I understand what's going on (as much as I ever understand what's going on), I can do something about it (I wish that it didn't involve more "doing" but this seems to be my lot in life). I'm not sure exactly what it is that I'm going to do, but I have returned to drawing class on Thursday nights and that has seemed to help (I don't seem to suck as much as I thought that I would have after not drawing for four months). I'm going to learn the whole Chen Man Ching Tai Chi form if it kills me (even though at times it seems like a race between the form and the Cancer). Also, getting pissed off about the state of my life seems to help (so be forewarned and expect more rants).
And I will try to write more - even if I don't feel like it. I'm not sure that this will help, but I have to do something while I wait for the next PSA test at the end of the month (besides everything else that I have to do).