You shouldn't call my office if you want to get ahold of me this days. My cell phone either. I guy named Curtis is going to be answering the phones from now on.
I have finally carried out my heretofore empty threat to leave the employ of Mother Harvard and I find myself on the Outside for the first time in almost nine years. In 1994, someone asked me if I wanted a temp job at the Business Skool, I said yes, and here I am at the other end of the chute all these years later wondering what happened. As usual, a lot of interesting stuff.
But not so interesting that I would stay in a fundamentally impossible job forever. To paraphrase an old saying: The difficult we do immediately; The impossible takes about five years before Spriggs wakes up to the fact.
So, here I am. And I'm wondering what fabulous adventure awaits me. Maybe it's the fulfillment of all my hopes and dreams. And then maybe it's chronic unemployment and hanging with the the temp workforce from which I came and worrying about the rent. At the moment, I don't know. I've got some ideas (I have never been without ideas) but the future is cloudy (try again) as the Magic Eight Ball says.
For the time being, the Harvard email account should continue to work since I am still a student in the Extension School (can we say "Cheap Health Insurance?"). And the home phone should be working as long as I can pay for it (if the cat answers, just ask for me). But no more office phone or cell. That's all Curtis' problem now.